(State Syllabus)


Disciplinary regulations for students

Disciplinary regulations for students

  1. Every student is required to possess and read the school prospectus

    and calendar and it must be brought to school daily. Ignorance of the

    rules will not be accepted as an excuse.

  1. Students must be present every day for the Morning Prayer and

     Assembly at 8.20 am.

     Even if the student resides far from the school, no excuses will be

     accepted the persistent late coming. Habitual late comers will have to

     return home and incidence of coming late more than thrice a month

     will invite a fine of Rs. 50/-

  1. Students who come to school before 7.40 a.m. should sit in their

     respective classes and spend their time usefully to study. No student

     should be found loitering or idling away her time during the study


  1. No student is allowed to leave the school during working hours

     without a written note from the Principal.

  1. Students must refrain from entering other classrooms, restricted

     workrooms, staff rooms, prohibited areas and no entry zones/ places

     within the school without prior permission.

  1. After class hours no student is expected to remain in the campus

    unless there is a function, programme, rehearsal or games practice.

  1. Classes get over at 3.10 p.m. (Std. V to Std IX). No student should be

    found in the school campus after 3.30 p.m. Students who stay back

    for Sports Practice should leave the School Campus by 4.30 p.m.

  1. Everyone is expected to speak English in School.
  2. Preparing daily lessons and class assignments must be the prime duty

    of every student. They are expected to be diligent in their study and

    work. They should also submit all the assignments on time. Students

    will not be allowed to appear for the examination, if the

    assignments/projects are incomplete and not submitted within the

    stipulated time period.

  1. Strict silence in the classrooms and orderliness on the corridor is to

      be maintained during school hours. Students are not allowed to

      bring any object to school which would prove as a source of

      distraction to the other students.

  1. Personal hygiene and cleanliness is expected from every student.
  2. Care of school property and cleanliness in the school premises is the

      duty of every student. Defacing the walls or ruining the furniture will

      invite dire consequences. Dustbins and baskets are provided for

      waste disposal. Damage to school properly or premises has to be paid


  1. No books, newspapers or magazines other than those needed for

       class work will be allowed to be brought to class without the

       permission from the Principal. Slam books are strictly forbidden.

  1. Students who lose library books or break laboratory equipments will

      have to make good the loss. They must also pay for the damaged,

      defaced, lost and mutilated pages or any other damage discovered on

      the return of books and articles as per actual.

  1. Students must look after their own belongings/bicycles. The school is

      not responsible for any of their lost articles.

  1. Cell phones, any kind of electronic gadgets and valuables are strictly

      prohibited in the school premises. If a student is found in possession

      of any such article, she is liable to be suspended from school. The

      Management has the right  to check the belongings of any student in

      case of suspicion.

  1. The students shall not entertain strangers/visitors in the school

       premises at all times.

  1. Students indulging in immoral acts of any kind, acts against public

       sanitation, resorting to violence, acts causing public nuisance,

       public disturbance, communal trouble or breach of public peace will

       constitute a major offence against discipline.

  1. Students must be polite in their speech: courteous in their manner

      and gentle with one other. They are expected to grow in a refined and

      mature conduct with self-discipline. They must respect all their

      teachers, administrative and support staff and co-operate with the

     School Leaders, House Captains and Perfects.

  1. Students must be present for all the activities, programmes and

       functions conducted by the school. They must be regular and

       punctual. Habitual absence, idleness and disobedience justify


  1. In case of absence without prior permission students must have a

      reason for absence entered in the Absence Record and signed by the

      Parent/Guardian. High School students must produce a leave letter

      duly signed by the parent/guardian.

  1. Students must attend Seminars, Workshops, Orientation Programmes and Special Classes on Saturdays/holidays or whenever they are arranged by the school. Absenting from these sessions without a genuine reason will result in serious action.

23.All students are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after every vacation. No one will be allowed to take leave on vacation earlier than the day on which the school closes. Absentees on the last working day and re- opening day after every vacation ( Summer ,Dassara ,Christmas) will be charged a fine of Rs.200/- unless they have a genuine reason . In case of sickness, emergency or tragedy, parents must inform the Principal or the class teacher at the earliest and produce a leave letter / medical certificate for exemption from the fine.

  1. a) If a student is likely to be absent for more than a week due to illness, the Principal must be informed immediately.
  2. b) No child suffering from an infectious or contagious disease will be permitted to attend school, unless she produces a medical certificate, stating that she is free from the infection.
  3. c) If a student is suffering from any serious/chronic illness, the parents have to bring it to the notice of the Principal and the class teacher without delay. Parents have to give the details of what measures are to be taken , medicines to be given and leave an emergency contact number with the Principal in case an emergency arises, failing which the school will not be held responsible.
  4. d) A medical certificate and relevant records have to be submitted if a student has to be exempted from sports, games, campus activities, picnics, etc.
  5. No students or staff members will be called to the telephone during school hours. However, urgent messages will be conveyed to them.
  6. Every student is expected to carry her packed lunch or buy lunch from the school canteen. No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during the lunch break. As per police guidelines, no lunch baskets should be delivered at the school gate or even at the office counter of the school.

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